Written by human fingers click-clacketing across a keyboard

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Digital Marketing
Business Strategy
True Sustainability
Personal Notes

The regeneration will be funded (with psychological excellence)

What's money worth if it doesn't support planetary regeneration and the human becoming story? To open the faucet on regenerative funding requires the right answers to tell a good story.


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Two key pieces of digital communication, rarely combined (but game-changing if they are)

What's the difference between strategy and marketing? What's an information hazard? How to make information 'sticky'? And how does this all add up to propell your mission forward?


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The Taichi of Technology: Digital leverage for regenerative missions

Soo … exponential technology is here. What to make of it? Resist it, discard it – or find its point of maximum constructive leverage?


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Big moves with small budgets: What brings leverage to websites and moves the needle?

Effort to results ratio is not made equal across the digital communication landscape, some efforts wipe your results clean from pointless sweat and make things feels just a little easier. What are those?


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The Tao of Landing Pages – A minimalist design approach to maximizing impact

Landing pages are designed to do a specific job, yet narrow goals have done much damage in the world. How to go about it with some nuance and grace – while staying effective and getting results?


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Semantic Recovery – How to repair our trust in words and spark action with 7 principles

By disingenuous use, we have deflated the semantic charge of quite a number of words, with subtle but dramatic consequences. In your communication today, what can you do differently in order to spark the action that's required?


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Semantic Deflation – How we broke words and things turned dangerous

Words that once sparked emotions, carried meaning and provoked action … now get scrolled over. What happened? Have our minds changed? We're a species in need of reorganization, but the tools to organize have turned rusty. What now?


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Marketing into a recession: 3 emergency moves to survive and thrive

The interplay between marketing and recession is not obvious or intuitive, but the right decisions can make all the difference between mid-recession nose dive or post-recession success. A measured response will suit you better than a fear-based fumble. How to use a crisis to get an edge on your (unsustainable) competitors?


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Humans: A non-expendable keystone species?

»Humans are nothing but a pest on this planet!« Concerningly widespread, it's a somewhat understandable position in light of our wreckingball impact on Earth's vital systems. Still, there is a different position and self-image available to us. How do we qualify?


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The regeneration will be funded (with psychological excellence)

What's money worth if it doesn't support planetary regeneration and the human becoming story? To open the faucet on regenerative funding requires the right answers to tell a good story.


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Two key pieces of digital communication, rarely combined (but game-changing if they are)

What's the difference between strategy and marketing? What's an information hazard? How to make information 'sticky'? And how does this all add up to propell your mission forward?


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The Taichi of Technology: Digital leverage for regenerative missions

Soo … exponential technology is here. What to make of it? Resist it, discard it – or find its point of maximum constructive leverage?


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Big moves with small budgets: What brings leverage to websites and moves the needle?

Effort to results ratio is not made equal across the digital communication landscape, some efforts wipe your results clean from pointless sweat and make things feels just a little easier. What are those?


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The Tao of Landing Pages – A minimalist design approach to maximizing impact

Landing pages are designed to do a specific job, yet narrow goals have done much damage in the world. How to go about it with some nuance and grace – while staying effective and getting results?


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Semantic Recovery – How to repair our trust in words and spark action with 7 principles

By disingenuous use, we have deflated the semantic charge of quite a number of words, with subtle but dramatic consequences. In your communication today, what can you do differently in order to spark the action that's required?


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Semantic Deflation – How we broke words and things turned dangerous

Words that once sparked emotions, carried meaning and provoked action … now get scrolled over. What happened? Have our minds changed? We're a species in need of reorganization, but the tools to organize have turned rusty. What now?


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EU Green Claims Directive: What you need to know and how to respond (and when)

With the latest EU directive, all claims of sustainability require confirmation by independent third parties. Vague claims that can’t possibly be proven will be outlawed. As the EU makes a larger move against greenwashing, companies and marketers will see serious regulatory disruption. How to sail safely?


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How to sell products worth explaining?

There is a lot to say about your product? Whichever specifics make your innovation stand out don’t necessarily match well with shrinking attention spans. Intricate efforts of sustainability doesn’t always translate into an edge in communication. Here's a roadmap on how to make it happen anyway.


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Why sustainability doesn't sell itself

A 2021 study found that new sustainable product launches lose against their unsustainable competition. We can't afford that. To sell true sustainability successfully, you need to tickle some stone-age brain triggers that we have since hunter gatherer times and beyond. Which?


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Marketing into a recession: 3 emergency moves to survive and thrive

The interplay between marketing and recession is not obvious or intuitive, but the right decisions can make all the difference between mid-recession nose dive or post-recession success. A measured response will suit you better than a fear-based fumble. How to use a crisis to get an edge on your (unsustainable) competitors?


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The Taichi of Technology: Digital leverage for regenerative missions

Soo … exponential technology is here. What to make of it? Resist it, discard it – or find its point of maximum constructive leverage?


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EU Green Claims Directive and its dangers (when everyone cheers, stop and think)

International regulations hold much needed potential for healthy disruption, but they have grown to be a two-edged sword over the last decade – if not before. What are hidden dangers to be aware of around the EU Green Claims Directive?


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EU Green Claims Directive: What you need to know and how to respond (and when)

With the latest EU directive, all claims of sustainability require confirmation by independent third parties. Vague claims that can’t possibly be proven will be outlawed. As the EU makes a larger move against greenwashing, companies and marketers will see serious regulatory disruption. How to sail safely?


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Sustainability strategies: Why top managers still miss the mark

In the past decades and up to today, our economic paradigm focussed on efficiency. If you studied the classical way of engineering, industrial design or management, chances are that you're in the habit of dancing to this exact tune – while overlooking eco-effectiveness.


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Marketing into a recession: 3 emergency moves to survive and thrive

The interplay between marketing and recession is not obvious or intuitive, but the right decisions can make all the difference between mid-recession nose dive or post-recession success. A measured response will suit you better than a fear-based fumble. How to use a crisis to get an edge on your (unsustainable) competitors?


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Sustainability strategies: Why top managers still miss the mark

In the past decades and up to today, our economic paradigm focussed on efficiency. If you studied the classical way of engineering, industrial design or management, chances are that you're in the habit of dancing to this exact tune – while overlooking eco-effectiveness.


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How much can we truly upcycle?

What do scientists have to say about the technical vision and implementation challenges of Cradle to Cradle? Let's cherish their feedback and consider their points with scrutiny – not gobble it all blindly just because it’s scientists talking.


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Can we actually be 'good' for nature?

What do scientists have to say about the biological vision and philosophy of Cradle to Cradle? Let's cherish their feedback and consider their points with scrutiny – not gobble it all blindly just because it’s scientists talking.


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Humans: A non-expendable keystone species?

»Humans are nothing but a pest on this planet!« Concerningly widespread, it's a somewhat understandable position in light of our wreckingball impact on Earth's vital systems. Still, there is a different position and self-image available to us. How do we qualify?


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EU Green Claims Directive and its dangers (when everyone cheers, stop and think)

International regulations hold much needed potential for healthy disruption, but they have grown to be a two-edged sword over the last decade – if not before. What are hidden dangers to be aware of around the EU Green Claims Directive?


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Humans: A non-expendable keystone species?

»Humans are nothing but a pest on this planet!« Concerningly widespread, it's a somewhat understandable position in light of our wreckingball impact on Earth's vital systems. Still, there is a different position and self-image available to us. How do we qualify?


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